I'm a top fan of movies. and rarely write reviews. though i have to for this one just because of some of the hate it's getting. This movie has something that's outside of the box for your general movie goer and
the irony in reading many of the put downs is that the reviewers state that they did not understand the film and therefore it is worthy of being deemed bad or lacking validity. which exactly parallels the lead characters experience in the movie, and that of many other women too. When their experiences are not understood, it is still intrinsic in society to then downplay those experiences and any resulting trauma, either treating their reactions as lacking validity, or placing blame on the trauma they endure onto them.
This movie is not your typical horror movie and it doesn't spoon-feed you the plot, regardless, the plot was great, and the cinematography was fabulous . There are a lot of subliminal and not-so-subliminal messages throughout the movie that can be missed if you aren't paying attention and it's a metaphor for misogyny
Men makes for uncomfortable but necessary viewing. , some of the toxic struggles between men and women, one that men have manipulated in their favour and It is a disturbing and gruesome depiction of how toxic masculinity begats toxic masculinity and how this cycle continues to be repeated through the enabling of society. It's the skepticism, the dismissal, the gaslighting, the victim blaming.
And it really did hit the nail on the head with this movie, as we get to witness the grief,anger,sadness,and the fightening inevitability of all the emotions a woman would go though, in a man's world where we (men) are never to blame for our toxic behaviors. What it means to embrace her truth, and the hurt a woman digs through, in emotionally cutting off her baggage that was never hers to carry in the first place.
If you love a movie that will make you think about it for days after this movie has done just exactly that for me. I didn't think a film about dealing with grief and walking away from a toxic relationship, could ever be portrayed in any better way than this film depicts. It's Beautifully tragic,frightening, unapologetic, and filled with raw emotion.
Well done A24, well done! an Incredible movie.