Yeah no. Don't bother with this game, it's a waste of money. If you can get past the horrendous story and characters and enjoy the graphics, then go ahead. Honestly the only reason this game gets a 2 is because of its amazing graphics. But everything else is absolutely terrible. I can't believe it was dreading to play this game. It doesn't get better. They tried to make a twist that nobody can guess (because the twist is the worst guess you can make) and tried to make a "different" take on it, but completely and utterly failed. It's almost talented to create an unexpected twist that no one wanted so it can surprise its players while still hitting an unsatisfying, cliche, and overused moral as an ending. Honestly, they could've made any other story or any other EXECUTION to their story and I would've been fine. But guess what, this game ends with a bad ending. They also slapped on too many traits on a character that promotes propaganda and ultimately made them a bland, tasteless NPC(s) without a personality. It could've been cool to have a new and unique character like that, but they focused too much on pleasing the public and saying "HEY I PROMOTE THIS AGENDA TOO" instead of creating an interesting character(s) that can do them justice. In the end, they failed on promoting such agendas because well, I hate all of them or don't care about any of them. Oh, and the trailer was a lie. And it may have been an elaborate prank to enhance the "wow factor", but it feels like they were just trying to cover up the story because it's predictable and terrible. If you made a trailer with everything in the game, nobody would buy it. Hence the reason why they made a trailer with scenes that never appear in the game. So, for those of you contemplating on playing it or not, don't waste your time. I wish I was you and could pretend that the first game didn't have a sequel.