The best movie, no, the greatest movie, no, the amazing movie that ever made in a long time, and I am want to know when Netflix is gonna have that movie in that show back on there, because like, I can't watch it on regular TV because I don't have any teeth and like, I want to know what happens next in like, yeah, lake, oh my gosh, I totally want to know what's gonna happen like it live, gonna be like the person that takes care of everything major gonna do anything like let's let's go let's, let's find what what's happening here and like, I just want to point out that like what happened to the guy that was running the zombie community, and he was, he was killed at that episode that it ended like what happened to him, is he not a character is he, does he just stand back like when when, like what's his name in like all that stuff, because like, I got to know, and like, oh my gosh, this movie, this movie this show is like so amazingly awesome, like I watch it every day and night, and like it gives me on my feet, it's scares me, it makes me excited to watch it and makes me happy that they made this movie are freaking oh, that was so great to watch like it's just amazing. And like I want to change my career and be what live is, because literally, that's what I want to do now, yeah.