The much-anticipated movie, "Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle," brings an intense and exhilarating experience over its 1 hour and 40 minutes runtime. The film, directed by Susumu Mitsunaka, showcases the dramatic and action-packed clash between Karasuno High and their longtime rivals, Nekoma High.
The movie is so good for its character development especially Kenma Kozume and faithful adaptation of the manga, capturing the essence of the ongoing rivalry and the stakes of the "Battle at the Garbage Dump." And the biggest thing was rivalry between coaches. Hinata's journey and growth as a player are particularly highlighted, alongside Kageyama's evolving dynamics
However, some viewers may feel that the movie's ending comes abruptly. The climactic battle, while intense, concludes so quickly that both Hinata and i is left feeling as if the battle was over too soon. This may give a mixed reactions, with some appreciating the high-paced resolution while others wished for a more drawn-out conclusion to match.
Overall, "Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle" delivers a high-energy volleyball experience, complete with strong character arcs and intense match sequences, though the rapid conclusion may leave some viewers wanting more.