I used to watch CBS this Morning every single day before work but have decided that with their one sided views on the vaccine have changed my thought of their news ethic.
You can get Covid with or without the vaccine ! Forcing this vaccine down peoples throats and making people feel like a worthless loser and like the unvaccinated are the cause of Covid ! One day I watched a segment on bullying in schools and how horrible and disgusting it is. The next day when I watched , the whole cast degrade , put down , belittle , and bully those who choose not to inject something into their body that really in truth DOES NOT keep you from getting Covid !
Why don’t you cover the people who have been fully vaccinated and have gotten severe side effects from the vaccine along with blood diseases that they never had before ! I personally know people that have been FULLY vaccinated and have died. I can no longer watch this one sided coverage nor the bullying by this news program.
Thank you, my choice not to vaccinate