I have seen them all, Top Gun, Forrest Gump, Gone with the Wind, The Thing, Interstellar, The Godfather, Brave Heart, Rocky, The Sound of Music... None.... NONE... of them compare to this. This is a movie that could bring the toughest of man to tears, the greatest of the greats will look upon this movie and only dream of creating something with a fraction of the mastery shown in this movie. Every time I hear the title alone, my ears are filled with pure joy at the thought of watching it again. Any man or woman that has not seen this movie should be ashamed, they have ignored the greatest work of art since God created man. There simply aren't enough stars in a rating system to fairly portray this movies beauty. Just now, as I write this review whilst sitting on my toilet, I have been brought to tears. There is no greater expression of beauty on God's green Earth than this. I pray every day and thank the Lord for blessing us with this spectacle. I am frankly appalled at the simple fact that this movie has not yet been named the eighth wonder of the world. I mustn't bable on any longer, for the more I do, the less time I get to spend watching this movie.