I wonder if the writers thoroughly thought through the casting, character development and storylines. I’m not familiar with the comic characters to give a real review. But as cute as the TV characters are, it’s troubling to watch the lead character bully and manipulate the stepdad to essentially do whatever she wants with the Stargirl persona. I’m sure it’s meant to show her as just a self absorbed teen looking to find her way, but darn it comes as privileged, selfish, self-centeredness—everything stereotypically wrong with blondes. Worst, it appears that she’s going to be the “great white savior” for all the poor, troubled, awkward minority kids, which stinks of white privilege in the writers room. I’m hoping that as Luke Wilson’s character develops, we’ll see more of a backbone and get answers as to why he lets the stepdaughter walk all over him and how that equates to his past relationships with Justice Society members (and just being the sidekick). I’m hoping the show is able to overcome and get past this initial story development pitfall without the storyline feeling as patronizing as it does now. I’m rooting for the actors and show hoping the writers will do them justice.