Spoiler Alert!! not major, but some issues with things in the show.
ZNation was awesome. This show is terrible. 1st episode is ok and it shows some promise, although it is one giant circular episode. Second episode is where it starts to go downhill. If you are in a Zombie apocalypse, I know I would make weapons as fast as possible, or find weapons. These people are stupid!!!
Whats the deal with the black truck following them for "gas". There are hundreds of abandoned cars that most likely have gas that would be much easier to retrieve. Then when they culminate with a huge crash, all of a sudden these two vehicles who were at odds for miles throughout the city all of a sudden are ok with each other.
Then you have someone casually walking through a grocery store after being chased forever by a zombie. Browsing the aisles with a shopping cart casually looking at labels. REALLY?!?!? I am wounded, chased by zombies and I am casually walking up and down aisles looking a groceries????
I could write a better zombie story in my sleep, and as a matter of fact, I have. Z nation had comedy, drama, and different things to spice up the zombie experience. While some things were "out there" even for the zombie apocalypse, it was still a good zombie show (better than TWD in my opinion).