Regarding, prejudice against Muslims. I am so sick of hearing it. Why is it always one side effort? Why do non-muslims have to effort? As far as I am concerned there is a great element that they invite it. Not mixing with native English (this is after all The UK not Pakistan, or any other Muslim countries), not try to take in native culture, not try to understand native culture.... it is always demand but not offer. When I was living in Wapping some Muslim complained about church bell ringing meaning no respect to other religions but it was ok for them to broadcast prayer from the speaker in the mosque in Whitechapel. That is just one tiny example. When there was a scare at Heathrow by terrorism attack by Muslim, passengers were patiently queuing long hour to wait clearance at the check in counter, a group of the very same race people (as terrorists) tried to jump the queue lying when they were questioned of their wrong doing. I would keep low profile if I was them although it was not me actually doing terrorism activities. I just do not understand how their mind works. Why do the others have to make always effort to accept them? I am an immigrant myself and I make effort to understand this country's culture and people with appreciation, who very generously accept me.