Gulabo Sitabo is a story of a 78 year old Mirza played by Amitabh Bacchan & his love or would say greediness for a hundred plus year old mansion located in Lucknow, whose actual owner is her wife which is 17 years older than him. Mirza being the greedy one prays day & night for her begum's demise so that he can be the sole owner of the mansion.
Story also depicts about the 12 tenant's & their family living in the mansion, where one of the main tenants role being played by Ayushyman, who plays anti to Amitabh. All the tenants dislikes the Mirza for being the most greedy and miser one.
The story takes a turn when Ayushman breaks one of the toiletry wall by anger, which triggers the real rift between the tenants and the Mirza. Mirza takes lawyer's support as he wants tenants to leave the mension which they refuse. Parallelly, a team of archealogist intervene to declare the mansion a national property. This all leads to great confusion & chaos, where the tenants, Mirza, lawyer & Arcgealogy dept. have a single vision that is to either own or sell the mansion.
But the climax is what makes it more interesting and changes everything which I'll leave it to the audience to watch exclusively on Amazon Prime.
Overall it requires patience to watch as its a pure show of method acting where two stalwarts Amitabh & Ayushman did a fantabulous job!!