I definitely don’t claim to be really good at playing Fifa. And for sure I’ve played it over the years because I’ve enjoyed it. Fifa 19 was really the first game in the series where I stopped enjoying ultimate team. Fifa 20 to be honest just feels like a hyped up version of 19. Yes interfaces have been changed and improved etc but the online gameplay is just as disappointing and it’s predecessor. Foolishly I genuinely believed that this game would lay out new ground especially for the online play, annoying I was completely wrong. Even after the update, GKs still palm the ball to the attackers, possession, shots and shots on target also don’t give clear indicators of dominance in the game. And the same sluggish gameplay that doesn’t exist on the offline play has apparently become the norm in online play. Well done EA, for basically given us a ramped up version of Fifa 19.