first of all.... the review by "Mary Jane with the weed symbol" is clearly a pedofile and his review should be taken down NOW. The fact that he got excited several times by these very young pre pubescent girls dancing speaks VOLUMES.
My review- this is NOT a COMING of AGE movie. THere are slow motion erotic dance moves with mouth and hand gestures that are really not even seen by most DANCERS. And I cannot imagine dancers would enjoy seeing their young daughters dancing in this fashion. It is basically our world giving permission for adults to think its okay to find these young girls attractive, as implied through the sexuality of these girls and even pursuing older boys and a scene where an adult man finds it clearly enticing when the main character is dancing in front of him.
Complete and utter degenerate. I pray for the girls whose parents allowed themto participate in this movie, who knows what else their parents are allowing them to do. or Forcing them into for money. its practically human trafficking and the prostitution of minors.