I really want to like this game and don't get me wrong this has really high potential. However, the lack of explaining, the lack of information they give you really make this overwhelming. I've spent 3 hours just running around trying to figure out what to do. And just when you figure it out you get blasted by an enemy and get stuck. Then this thing about rerolling your progress. Basically starting from the beginning with your gear but at a different map. I get it you want to do something completely different. Yes, I'm all up for it, but for heaven's sake, explain it to newcomers. I've sent more time researching this game than playing it, and I'm still bamboozled about this concept. Also the way if you want to unlock powerful weapons, you need to do the first run through the map get the required items and then reroll starting from the beginning and hope to God you've rolled correctly. Otherwise you need to reroll again untill you get the right map. This concept really takes out the joy in gaming. Like you've created a possible masterpiece, only if it was just simplified and explained.