(The multiplayer aspect is what has earned this game the low rating. I wont discuss the campaign much, but the campaign is why this has 2 stars, otherwise id give it 0 if i could.)
Buggy, clunky, and unbalanced. These are the three words that best describe this game. Why is sprint to fire speed a stat rather than, "you hold RT first, you fire first?". Its unrealistic to assume my character cant hold down a trigger before someone else because they had a certain stock attachment. Speaking of attachments, most have very few cons so if you dont have any equipped, good luck. You cant begin or end alot of games without black screening. Jumping over obstacles, everything just feels so, "slow" compared to the much more fast-paced action packed MWF 2019. Sure that game had its weapon balancing issues, but atleast it had smooth gunplay.