Robo 2.0 review - : chitti come back with version 2.0😎, rajinikanth as chitti and Akshay kumar as pakshi raja and he is the hero of the movie. We the humans are destroying the earth and environment and ecology, but still we won't realise the fact. We just killing ourselves and ecology like birds, plants the earth.
As our forefathers lived healthier than us at our age and they lived for a long time around 100 years with out health issues, what's our life span right now??
Around 60?
Even at the age 20's is your health is perfectly alright?
Check yourself and find for the reasons why we are not healthy...
The man pakshi raja try to save birds and ecology in a soft manner no one care his words and he hang himself. Even his death change nothing. so he try to convey forcefully like a warning. But the fact is we the humans never change so instead of solving the problem l we just kill pakshi raja for saying ruthless truth.
Rating:-2/5 in 2-D
3/5 in 3-D