Honestly when I first saw the trailer for this i thought, "They've ruined my childhood." Winx was a show I watched constantly I loved it so much, I still watch it today as an adult. Once I watched clips and more trailers, I started to get excited, accepting that this was a reimagining and not everything would be by the book. I still didn't think I would be ecstatic when I came out, boy was I wrong. I was so fully invested it was insanely good. I was so happy to find little things that payed homage
to the original cartoon. Like I wondered why they said Bloom was JUST a fire fairy when in the original cartoon her magic, the dragon flame (aka what made the magic dimension in the first place) makes her the most powerful fairy in the universe. But they addressed it which I was so happy about cause I was like give this fairy the title she deserves! I hope they can do another one so they can fix some of the problems people had with it and answer all the questions they left us with. Overall I think it was an amazing first season and I can't wait for what's to come.