I think this movie is great and yes I read other reviews. maybe not all is true, in the movie. In place in the event of history, this is not a documentary nor is it the History channel. Keep in mind, we are human, and whatever was really history could be lost anyway at some point, the way the world is going. This is different generation to rewrite films and make dramas of a film. As we all know, films are known to be fictional and not always true. Movies give things a kick to history to have you enjoyment of entertainment. whether it is true or not. With common sense even though common is not common anymore, LoL. This is a film and nothing again is going to be true, just like a play. That's like saying things about Socrates or Jesus Christ or the Catholic church or Atlantic City or even mermaids.... You see where I'm going with this.... No"! Okay let me put it this way. Humans spread rumors about what happened and only some will come out with the truth in facts but there's always going to be hearsay. So line up 100 people and tell them a 10minute story and after you tell them the story go to the other hundred people and tell them the story of those hundred people of what they said and see how many facts you will get from the original story, that was told. Probably not a lot to the... fact. Most likely it will be arranged to what was really said in their own words because not everybody's going to remember exactly the truth of the matter and since this is a different generation meaning the 1900s to the 2000s people have their own way of freedom of saying an expressing what they think instead of what is true. Just like me I have an opinion right now. And not all will agree with me. And that is totally fine because that is part of my generation and all I know that is to be true, of what I'm saying because I have facts that I can back it up. The film industry did not promise if I make a movie it has to be true or even about what happened in the past has to be true. You want the truth, and built a time machine and go live with Queen Elizabeth in the time that she lived and find out what is true. But that's impossible I can't rewind time, all I can do, is go by the entertainment of it. unless again, I go to the library and do my own research. Remember my own research or unless I go to the History channel. But again this is a film it is movie for entertainment and all the actors in the film deserve 10 thumbs up they did a great job with this film to me it was excellent entertainment. I think it was a great cast and I don't just think I just know that it was an excellent cast whether the truth of what really happened in Queen Elizabeth's film was not accurate that shouldn't matter. Because I'm there to see entertainment by these actors and I'm not there to do research. So to the actors I think you support them that they did a great job and give many thumbs up for it. Wonderful film and whoever is negatively mad about the history of it then stay mad because you're not going to get anywhere with madness only entertainment of enjoyment to be entertained from filmmakers. But that's my opinion be fair have a good day.