This movie was a touching young girl's journey into adolescence. She's confused, her homelife is challenging, and she just wants to belong.
I didn't find anything remotely offensive about the movie whatsoever and to the people who thought this movie was pornographic, well, please look in the mirror. Of course their dancing was sexualized like most of what those girls (and all girls in today's society) are exposed to. I didn't get the impression that the movie was celebrating their pre-pubescent sexuality at all. And its laughably labeled as pornographic.
Many of the early dance scenes I related to. Me and my friends making up routines to our favorite songs. We didn't know what sex was at time. We thought we did, but like Amy, we really didn't. I remember singing Madonna and Prince lyrics when I was a kid and not really understanding them, but proudly singing along.
People who watched this movie to incite hatred or because of the controversy are looking for trouble. If you don't like the movie or what you are told it is about, then save yourself the time and energy and don't watch it, but leave it for the rest of us to independently decide for ourselves.