I gave it 3 stars because I love the Scream franchise, I love Dewey, I love Sydney, and I love Gale. Oh, and I love Wes Craven. Wes definitely had nothing to do with this film. It wasn't horrific but not a typical Scream movie. The whole movie felt forced. It never really unraveled. You never really got to know anyone. The kills seemed so random. The 2 killers seemed so random (that shouldn't be a spoiler; there are 2 killers in every Scream movie...except for 3). The killers aren't related to anyone and have no connection to the immediate circle and decided to pull of a spree of killings because it sort of interested them. You have to see the movie to understand but the whole thing just sort of felt thrown together. I figured it wouldn't be as good as the past films but as a Scream fan I braced myself for what was to come. If you're a Scream fan you still have to see it.