This show is amazing…I highy recommend it.
The writing is amazing.
It also has some spoilers,you are warned
Everything about this show is top tier
The art is great
Characters are great and they develop well,they all have a lot of depth
Music is great
Plot is unique
Comedy is gold
The MC is unique as hell,it isnt a crybaby,it isnt secretly OP isekai,it isnt dumb,mc gets 100’s but at the same time thats the only thing he is good at,he doesnt complain a lot about his family finances,honestly just amazing,which maybe they will explore in the movie or something.
I cant wait to know who he marries,maybe it isnt one of the 5 at all,maybe someone else
And Wouldn’t Rena as a sixth sister would be an amazing plot twist,or nah?
Like she has that pink hair and about the same age,and it was secretly abandoned or something and she doesnt know she has 5 other sisters…it also would make sense since Ichika said that they have a sixth sister as a joke,and this is a romance comedy anime so the author would think we wouldn’t pay attention to that,since maybe thats just a joke,and so the author foreshadowed it,in my opinion would be great plot twists,we know like nothing about Rena…what do you guys think?
Even side characters like that dude moeda who asked ichika out,had little screen time but they introduced him and did everything so well and Takeda too.
They also ask the question “why is he helping us,your just a sensei”and stuff like that
Uesugi relationship development with about anyone in the show,especially the girls is amazing.I would love him to marry Itsuki,highly unlikely but oh well I dont really care.
And Also the girls relationship between them has been developed well.And if not enough theres a movie coming
They also went from hating or just not liking Futaro to absolutely see him as a potential husband or a really close good friend.Damn.
Did I forget something…?Idk but whatever
This show is an easy 9/10 rollcoaster of an anime who simply amazes you at the very first ep and it keeps you going on what will happen later on.The only reason I cant give it a 10 is because it isnt perfect,it is soooo goood but no anime is perfect
So yeah
This show isnt about the guy fall in love with the girl,but the opposite
I thought he would fall in love with one of the 5 but…3 of the 5 fall in love with the MC.
I cant wait for the movie,honestly.20th may 2022 in japan and idk for international
I know this isnt the only funny anime out there,obviously but this show is also in the group of “your depressed?sad?just watch one episode and it will make your mood better and you will laugh a ton”kinda anime.
Again,this show is a must watch
PS : +2 points for both openings,they are great.
Edit : To the question everyone asks nowadays
Can a girl and boy be just friends?Doesnt matter good friends,close friends or whatever
The question is yes,Itsuki or Yotsuba are literally just friends with Futaro.Well the answer is yes,in anime atleast haha