Best series I have ever seen. I have been watching it over and over and I would still watch it again and again.
The chemistry that the cast had with each other was so amazing. You could feel what they felt. You could be able to gauge their emotions and understand them.
although it was an action series they also acted through their hearts
Nikita wasn't your ordinary perfect girl. She was a broken woman trying to right the wrongs she helped create while at the same time understanding love. I love that she and Micheal had such an amazing time. Despite there being disputes between them they figured it out and came back to each other's arms. They would readily give their life it it meant saving the other and that was awesome. They both had gone through so horrible stuff but they accepted the flaws in each other and loved those flaws. I loved the scene where Micheal tells Nikita that he loves all of her even the parts that are horrible.
The bond that Alex had with Nikita was so special.Nikita was like a mother, a confidant, a friend to her. And she would protect her.
Then burckoff and the whole gang grew together. He came to be less selfish and began caring for those around him.
I don't know why it didn't get the recognition it deserved. I was disappointed that the last season had only six episodes I felt they left a lot of unsaid words.
And Amanda. She is a complete sociopath. I hated her. I hated her so much to do that to Nikita just because she wanted her to break like she did. She wanted Nikita to experience all the pain she did. Even if it meant taking down everyone with her. Just proved how much of an amazing acress she is. She killed the role. She was even more dangerous than percie.
Their are a lot of words but I can't seem to find any that will give Justice to a masterpiece.
They did an amazing job at this.