My god, this sequel to a film I love has surprisingly improved a lot more than the first one. I'm really comfortable to say that this film is a masterpiece of a sequel.
It improves the soundtrack, character chemistry, voice acting, story, animation, cinematography, and visuals.
Shocked at how mature and slightly emotional the sequel is compared to the first one.
Also surprised at how the movie is far more character-driven than the first one as well, and how emotionally moving it is.
And my days, the ending! I've never been so invested in a cliffhanger, and yet this movie is the only one that made me feel invested enough to know what happens next.
A lot of people kept on saying that How to train your dragon is the best DreamWorks franchise or Shrek is the best DreamWorks franchise, and even though I can see where they're coming from (especially with the first film of httyd and the first and second film of Shrek), I can't see how they can reach the level of amount of consistency of a film franchise than Kung Fu Pand 1 and 2.
I'm genuinely surprised that when this film came out, it would be decent and nothing else- but I was very wrong when had that expectation.
I'm really comfortable to say that this is a masterpiece of a Dreamworks film:
Score: 9/10, the equivalent of that is a 5/5