Okay so I’m just going to make this very short and sweet (not really). Bohemian rhapsody was an incredible movie and I loved every part of it. If you want to believe all the critics that are knocking it just do yourself a favor and just go see a movie because for God sake that’s what it is a movie. Also, half of these critics are idiots just saying. I just read a review that said this movie completely brushed Freddie’s sexuality under the rug saying it showed him flirting with girls but no guys. First off before making a review what until the movie comes out don’t rely on the trailer and second this movie was never supposed to be about just him and his sexuality lol that’s the biggest misconception I’ve seen this movie was always supposed to be about queen as a whole and part of Freddie’s life and even then it wouldn’t just be about him being gay. That’s another thing that people are so ignorant towards, his sexuality. First off he was never gay he was bisexual. I saw someone even have the audacity to say something along the lines of Freddie Mercury was gay/BI (note they pointed out him being BI) but yet the trailer only shows him flirting with girls and seems to push out how he liked men. First off this person clearly doesn’t know what being bisexual means because if they did they would know that that means a person likes men and women. So to sum up I’ve seen this movie twice and it was just as good the second time and these critics are bias and ignorant and are basing their reviews on trailers only with no knowledge of queens history prior to this and what they personally wanted which is basically just a gay orgy on screen (which were most of his parties). Just please do yourself a favor and see the magical experience that is bohemian rhapsody and I can guarantee that if you weren’t a queen fan going into the movie you’ll be a die hard one by the time you come out of it. P.S. I know I said this would be short and sweet but once I started typing I realized I had a lot to say so I apologize for that lol.