This movie centers around healing oneself, and finding your trueself through others. By getting the understanding and acceptance for being different. It has certain obstacles, since that is life, and that helps the characters to overcome their fears and doubts. But that is not the main plot of the story.
It tells you the importance of life, and your feelings. That it is okay to feel however you feel. No matter if you are human, animal or insect, we all hurt, love, and feel all the emotions. This isn't about epic battles with villiains. The bad guys are just another people who have different perspectives in life.
So if you are expecting a continuation of Ironman or other battle filled drama, this certainly will disappoint you. But if you are ready for a heartwarming storytelling, just layback and enjoy.
There are different opinions about RDJ's acting or his pronunciation to be exact. He uses a softer tone, a bit higher than his usual voice as well. And honestly it was a bit awkward in the beginning, since I'm not very used to hearing Wales dialect, but the more he interacts with the characters you realize it isn't. He has chosen the right dialect to express his DD, and it fits. At least to me it did.
Is it perfect? Of course not. Could it be better? Of course. It could have had more stories in between, they could have paid a bit more attention to the story telling as well as the technical aspects. But it had the right amount of colors, characters and flow to get the message across.
I would certainly recommend it. I certainly felt comforted by it. Sometimes I need a no-tense filled me-time, and this movie certainly was that.