While this film seemed to want to provide a deep social commentary on the psych of today’s society, it all ended up feeling really shallow. The social constructs provided up for debate in this film were at such a basic middle school level that it all started to feel a little ridiculous. Take out the persistent killings and it feels like the PG version of what could be a mature, though-provoking film.
Also, if you’re looking for a good ending, this film does not provide it. While the killing spree actually does have an interesting twist at the end, the last scenes of the film are so bad that I almost feel bad for the writers. Plot holes and unanswered questions, including the biggest one: What was the point of all this? I appreciate a film that leaves an open ending but not when it comes to the whole purpose of why characters are going through anything.
TLDR: If you want to watch a film with a social commentary that doesn’t require you to think critically at all, this is your film. If you want something that’s well written, this is not your film. Not the best movie in the world, not the worst. Honestly just pretty unremarkable, pretty basic, not very memorable, but maybe can serve as an introduction to someone just starting to get into the topic societal divides.