This was a pretty good movie. I loved the hype train on the mob boss. Honestly it was what kept me watching... and I would have gave it 5/5, but the ending sort of blew the wind out of my sails.
Personally... the ending was sort of meh.
Sort of wished she just died and idk cut to a scene of mob boss picking up his mom would have been good. Or maybe she was convicted for the death of her girl friend and to get out of it she bleeds insanity and ends up in a similar care center where the mob boss becomes her guardian. It would have been a taste of her own medicine.
There was just a lot of hype for this mob boss to wrap things up.. yet it just didn't happen. If the ending was different I would have given this a 5/5, but taking away 2 stars for the ending. It just was meh.
I get the whole flip on "wrong guy to mess with" and opp it was the unexpected unexpected guy, but sort of killed it.