GhostOfTSUSHIMA is dynamically self-aware! That’s my biggest compliment! This is a game rooted in the real Human raw experience. The 1st time we see Jin is kneeling, after delivering a death blow for his Unjustly fallen comrades (Reflective & relevant). A Samurai who must reflect on what his mask & code mean in the face of uncharted strife (a policing force that must evolve with the times, or perish entirely). A game that forces you to write an nature derived haiku after prominent plot points; it forces reflection, raw. THE DEGREE OF INTENT IS SEEN AT EVERY LIVING CORNER OF THIS PRODUCTION. This is not a video game. This, is an immersive, reflective & totally riveting experience! I’m genuinely Grateful for this. ItsTheThoughtThatCounts ... often, TheMOST.