Reading all these comments, its shocking to see how many viewers find this a great series. First, the idea that black runaway slaves would risks their lives, the lives of their own children and families and the risk of being re-enslaved in order to save the life of a WHITE BABY, and then a WHITE GIRL shows the very depth and breath of white superiority around the world; as if a white life holds greater value than the lives of their own black children and community.
And then to hear all the comments rave about the series as if its so heroic?! Huh? At no point in time would runaway enslaved BLACK PEOPLE risk the lives of their own children and families for whiteness. This is a romantic idea concocted by White-made movies about enslaved people in order to serve their own selfish perspectives.
And its just more evidence of the vice grip that White Supremacy and systemic racism has over society.
This was trash.