You'll hate it in 3 weeks. There's only one fun game mode and its only good because its over way faster than the others, the ranked system is horrifically bad, its unbalanced, you're punished for losses more than rewarded for wins and almost every game you get put into has someone throwing on either your team or the enemy team and the winner is based on that not who is actually better. Out of several hundred matches played I've enjoyed less than a dozen of them and you can't leave the ones that aren't fun without being punished with longer queue times. Oh and you can't report the people who are ruining your game because they can make a new account in 15 seconds, its a free game. Don't download it, and for the love of god don't buy the skins, you'll regret it in 3 weeks when you hate the game as much as myself and everyone else in the game chat complaining about it every single round.