This series had me hooked every night ,on such a deep/angry /emtonial level ,its hard to watch. Understand and be apart if these people on do many reasons ,I was sexually abused.....
I never understood why me what did I ever do to deserve this .
It takes alot for anyone to speak out ,like it is me...
I think that why I have a huge trust issue with guys I'm older now but my relationships never seem last ,I always feel I failure in trying to make a relationship work ,I'm also trying to break though my past ,no what they have been .life tramua or the abuse,
And for this series to allow others to given support of rape or sexual abuse ect ,I wish I had that ,help but ,i didnt and i had to try to learn cope with it the older i got ,
in the storie of Brice being allowed back into the school was wrong ,but with me the abuser who sexually assaulted me was only told off and told stay away from me ,and was still allowed he was allowed enter the school but not come no were near me.this for any person who has been though anything like this shouldnt have to be in fear of there defender who attacked them everyday ,they should be punished more, I totally agree that anyone who is affacked should have support in or out school .these days alot more is falling and to help those who need help,need more done to make sure there isnt any suicides because scared to tell people
I think if I had more support back then I wouldnt have huge issues with trust and if I had someone talk to and a concealer I may be better person, but there does need more support out there in schools in colleges and in uni and more and j gooe kn the years to come there will be more people out there who will be able be there for these people and support them and protect them form harm and to them selves WE STANDand Ar WE ARE STRONG AND WE ARE ALL SURVIVORS