I finally beat this game. But overall tho, I don’t like how there are way too many puzzles and some hidden spots that’s so hard to find that I literally have to look up on the internet. The story line was ok, but what didn’t get it is...why did Olly wants to form the entire Origami King in Peach’s Kingdom in the first place? I know that he was “scrabbled by Toads,” but that makes an excuse to do it. Unless if he was bullied a lot and almost got killed by him, then that would be more understandable. Also, if Olivia disagree to form all the paper world to Origami world, then why would Olly would create her in the first place? Does he not want to be the only guy? Hopefully for me, I hope it will not be the last game of the entire Paper Mario series. Cuz I want to have another Mario and Luigi RPG game, but in the paper world. And I really hope that Mario actually talks like points a bubble text on him. Anyway, and finding all collection isn’t easy to find, some are hiding and requires to do parkour. Overall the game wasn’t great, but it wasn’t that bad. I didn’t like battling the Origami minions tho, cuz it’s hard to line it up perfectly. But I’ll may keep playing it more and maybe find more collection and do other stuff.