It's not for me. This is not a superhero movie I can connect to even though I have come from a similar cultural background.
The plot is flimsy - no depth in the development. Just put it side by side with Moon Knight - you'll see it. Of course, it can be argued that they are different stories. Well, both are superhero protagonists struggling to discover themselves with their newly found powers while fighting crimes and some personal life issues.
For the acting, I'm guessing that the writing and producing are responsible for this problem. So many scenes come out as cheesy and some forced jokes/humor are scattered here and there.
It seems to me that the target audience is NOT superhero genre fans at all. In fact, I believe that the viewers are those who watched it and loved it - 3+ stars. I enjoyed the teen Superhero shows like Spectacular Spiderman, DC's Young Justice, Titans, and so on.
I had high hopes for this one, too bad that I'll skip this one, will wait for something else similar to Punisher, Moon Rider, or Daredevil.