It's ok ok. Huma Qureshi is role is small and it could have been much better if the writers have not only focused on zombie killing machines. One time watch! I watched it for Huma Qureshi as it was her first major Hollywood and yes her role was small but ok. I believe she is going to happen some big name soon. Overall story was not that good. The walking dead would be coming in mind while watching and you would feel much similar plot. Also, the undead feeling subplot seems futile specially when the core of the story is looting for no reason but greed. If they could have worked more solid characters ,this could have been better. Mostly it seems like they have taken plots from train to besan ,the walking dead and put them in LA. Biggest weakness underutilized India's talent Huma Qureshi. She was merely there for the sake of it , though she could have been element of surprise ,just like Arya was in the Games of thrones. If you time in lockdown, watch it to support Huma Qureshi, otherwise it's not a must watch for sure