This movie was such an inspiration for me. Leo's character profile was a mirror image of myself. This movie allowed me to see the error of my ways as a meat consumer, and abandon my former lifestyle. It allowed for much retrospection, and needless to say, I am now vegetarian and am joining Leo in supporting the cause.
100/10 visually. I haven't seen this art style in decades. Definitely glad they brought this back.
This movie deals with many heavy themes, including questions oneself and beliefs, challenging peer pressure, and grief. I would recommend that you show it to your children, while being seated nearby to explain any heavy plot material. I saw this film in theatres with my 3 infant children 5 times. Long story short, this movie went above and beyond on all aspects abd if I could give it more stars, I would. Thank you for stopping by, like for like. Make sure to like and subscribe.