This book lacks the magical part where the story draws you in. I probably shouldn’t compare this to the Martian, but that story and its success are big reasons for reading Andy Weir, so whatever, it is relevant.
Other critical reviews cite the science or lack of its feasibility as a major detractor from the story. I agree. Everything is overly convenient - careful, possible spoilers ahead.
The overly convenient science always seems to get the protagonist(s) out of a jam, and that’s great, but it crosses that Disney Magic line, where everything works itself out, and no sweat words are used and attitudes always stay too positive.
I was also fairly disappointed that the main character was not alone on his quest. I feel like the marketing of the book painted the book as a “sole human saves humanity” story, but that’s not really the case:
I’d say if you’re on the fence, this one is okay to skip. If you’re still curious, it’s an easy read, and it won’t take long to get trough. It’s not worth the $15 Kindle price, however.