As far a dragon ball games go this was pretty good. The campaign was fun to play and so were the side missions. I loved the fact that staring a new character did not reset anything. All the items and missions you unlock carried over to new characters. Which meant that I could level up and equip a new character build quickly with out having to go through a long grind.
The only things I hated about this game was the character roster, and how stat modifiers where tied to clothing. Dragon ball tenkaichi 3 is still my favorite dragon ball game just because of the large roster it had . The game had almost every character in dragon ball available to play as. For example that game let you play as Bobbidi.
Then of course I did not like the fact that I could not dress my character up the way I wanted without screwing up my character build. I ran into many situation where I would have to pass up a coo looking l cape for a goofy looking hat, just because the hat had the stats I wanted.
I will end by saying I would recommend Xenoverse over Xenoverse 2 . Xenoverse 2 dose not fix's any of the issues I had with Xenoverse . Instead of fixing the problems. The second game just tries to deal with them in weird and dumb ways. While at the sane time taking what was good about Xenoverse and removing it or not improving on it.