unit this book is meg null, da da da if you read this book its such a bonesprocket. freestyle. the story is big conceptionarium. i had to read this meg null unit because School™ is meg limp. i will NOT use the word "prong." almost wanted to go into mal because my feed was going crazy and i was m-chatting my boyf. feednet is so skeeze unit. so squeam my meg unit. my upcar. what's doing, anyway? i cant believe I read this book. . . meg junktube unit. wow those Clouds™ are so brag. i should get a banner advertising this book because its so brag. my friends girlf re:cringe. no wrong. so skip my unit. so, what's the spit anyway? squelch! i'm to be with it. i had to do slalom on my escape from School™. youch! ?.