This show is so refreshing, and not because we haven't seen shows about teen super heros struggling to fit in. The tone of the show was created with the brush strokes of someone who has an eye for the subtly of uniqueness.
There's an honestly and realness to each actor which makes me think the casting director needs to get some major props for seeing beyond what's usual or expected when casting. All of the leads play their characters with nuance that seems to radiate from their very beings--you can't play something you don't have a capacity to be--from the little brother to the wonderfully odd Stan. Even Dena's popular girl character is played with complexity, kindness and subtly that isn't often captured by actresses of these types of roles. Because of the cast and the way the characters show up, the show stands out as something truly different.
It's also beautiful for all of us who truly feel totally different and totally alone in our abilities that don't match what's normal. Sid's power is a huge gift but because she's the only one with it and can't control it, it seems like a curse. Funny how that works.
The cinematography is gorgeous as well.
The only thing I wish is that there were more episodes right away! I feel like watching the whole season was like watching the first episode of something much longer! More please!