Gone with the Wind is unequivocally sensational; bringing to life the bygone South, the fundamental essence of being a Southerner and the pinnacle point of history when that was shattered. The insight to the struggle for people who knew no differently to be trying to make sense and survive and to reconstruct the South in a way that made sense to them. It honours the beauty and grace that no longer exists as much as it exposes the layers that were fatally flawed in a way that, I believe, gives opportunity to understand how the South evolved the way it was with judgement and not with the harsh judgment that the wrongness and the unjust is a truth that is indisputable today(and which unfortunately there are still people who are unable to believe that and act abominably).
I imagine that if someone is watching it ‘for a good story’ and expect to be only satisfied by a storyline that gives you villains that are beaten by heroes then you will be left wanting. Which is a shame but too likely with the attitude and expectations of these current times.
It goes without saying that the calibre of the acting and the cinematography are a triumph with the proof in that Gone with the Wind is still the highest grossing film ever.