While the music is amazing and most of the new Pokemon are excellent additions to the series. The fact that you can't catch them all makes the experience bad for newcomers having to buy older games and less enjoyable to the old fans ,and the competitive side of sword and shield is all over the place with malarian wheezing's new ability and other things also team yell is the worst villain team ever in my opinion they aren't even bad or have some type of secret, dark history and while Hop is a complete upgrade from Hau, Hop is very lackluster of an opponent until the post game, where he becomes a better rival and character. The wild area was an excellent addition and eased the process of completing the pokedex .I also really ,and I mean really hate how game freak made so many version exclusives which, I guess balances out the fact you can catch any Pokemon in the wild area ,but makes completing the pokedex require so much work. I know they did the version exclusive thing in all the other games but sword and shield over does it. Over all my enjoyment playing this game was a 5.5/10.