I am actually really surprised how users dispise this game while I loved it.
I got to say, for me, this was the best gaming experience for a long time.
I successfully avoided any spoilers or hates before the release and I decided that I will judge it by myself.
Sometimes I feel that, who read spoilers before the game relese, decided that they are going it to hate it no matter what. 🤨
I think Naughty dog took a huge risk with this game. I loved it but I could see that with the Last of us, where the hipe was huge, there were many theories about the next story and the characters.
Those people who felt so attached to those characters this game might be a giant slap in their face.
I loved the story of Ellie and Joel but I always thought that this is a huge world, there would be interesting stories too.
Maybe I am the minority here but I think the Part 2 is better than the first game.
The game is darker. I have never got emotionally attached to killing enemies. I mean, they are just a bunch of 1s and 0s right?
The dogs here are on an other level.
If you kill a dog, the dog's owner gets emotional first than angry. If you kill the owner first, the dog stays at the side of the owner crying over his dead body.
We have never seen this world so cruel, so depressed so hopeless.
The first time, I sensed, that this game is not trying to hide the truth of what would be like living in a postapocalyptic world. This game treats me like a grown-up.
I would say that give this game a chance. You might love it as I did.