By far one of the greatest anthologies I enjoy up to this very day. Albeit John Carpenter's 1982 "The Thing" is the scariest movie on the face of this Earth and in history, Stephen King nailed the movie "Creepshow,1982." The classic song that was danced to in "Father's Day," the bubbles on Jordy's fingers and his itching body in "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill," the creepiness of the footsteps when the water-filled voices in the zombies of Harry and Becky in "Something to Tide You Over," and the shot of Harry played by Ted Danson when he was completely submerged, still trying to hold his breath. "The Crate," with Wilma's brain-sucking stinging drunken voice of her constant criticizing her husband Henry was such a relief for the audience to say "aaah," during his fantasies of killing her, and ultimately being devoured by the Tasmanian beast. But those of us that are fond of the historical architecture of colleges and homes, we appreciate a great deal with those shots of Emerson Hall. Not to mention, all the great stars in their younger years playing pathos characters. Lastly, and without relenting...the roaches in "They're Creeping Up on You" with one of the greats, E.G. Marshall...whatta treat.😄