An action thriller featuring spies, time reversing technology and a chronology that could challenge the likes of Back to the Future and Terminator. What's not to love?
The people giving this movie 1 star reviews give it that rating purely because it's not a simple, to-the-point movie that they've been used to being served to on a silver platter for years. Tenet explores the complicated world of 'inverted technology', and while this topic, as well as the movie, can seem utterly confusing, if you pay close attention to the movie you will be shown a masterpiece of science fiction and action. Christopher Nolan's story writing, as well as the wonderfully talented actors, brings this story to life through the (at first glance) confusing, but truly astounding script and compelling acting. Nolan's ambition as a story writer is evident in this movie. He tackles arguable the most complex form of science fiction, and tackles it with style.
To anyone who enjoys a good action thriller/spy movie/science fiction movie, I would recommend Tenet. You might have to watch this movie two, three, four times, but once you fully understand the story you will be blown away. The story is excellent, the actors are fantastic, the soundtrack is magnificent, the visual effects will blow you away. Watch Tenet as soon as you can.