This book is absolutely life-changing.
It's a bit dry and hardly a page-turner, but it's powerful like a kick in the chest. We all like to think that we're well-adjusted adults. In reality, we're all pretty immature, and our decisions, our careers, our relationships, and our happiness all suffer as a result.
We also like to think that we understand what changes we could make to improve our relationships and our happiness, but we usually only see part of the story. So our efforts at self-improvement actually reinforce other subtly self-destructive behaviors. This book helps solve that problem.
This book is all about learning to take control and responsibility for your own life rather than blaming others, hiding from difficult emotions, and maintaining self-destructive expectations. Becoming a mature adult is a life-long journey, but it turns out that even tiny improvements have huge benefits. There's no set of "easy steps" to follow; that's not how it works. But the book does provide a useful map that shows you which direction to go. And given how consistently wrong our common sense is on this front, it's useful to have.
Rather than a turn-by-turn map of a single specific journey, this book shows the picture of the entire landscape. Use it to see how to improve your overall course.