Bordertown is truly superb, although not without its faults. Is it for everyone? No... If you're an American that requires action at every turn or something mindless that requires little effort to understand, you probably won't enjoy this. After watching the first two seasons, I'm hooked, for the writers have backed their production of this program with intelligence, something Hollywood has lacked the vast majority of the time for a number of years. "Deadpan"? "Boring"? Only for those that cannot grasp cultural differences. No, it is not perfect (my girlfriend is Russian and says that Lena's accent is overkill, in a similar vein to those that attempt to mimic my native Texas accent with hideous results) but the overall result is still leaps and bounds above anything that any writer in the US can produce. I'm anxious for the third season to be released!
As for the English overdubbing that began with Season Two when released on Netflix, I, too, made the mistake of listening to the voiceover work for all of about ten minutes before reverting back to English subtitles. No, the subtitles are not perfect but at least one gets the true sense of emotion from the script's actors instead of listening to a deadpan reading of the translation.