Once Upon a Time In Hollywood (2019) is the movie about the 1969 Hollywood times. The movie was directed by Quentin Tarantino. The main characters of the film are Rick Dalton, Cliff Booth, Sharon Tate, Mansion Family. Actors Leonardo Dicaprio and Brad Pitt are the lead characters in this film. The movie is a cult classic in the history of World Cinema with some superb action scenes. All the characters of the film are quite natural in acting. Some scenes are there in the movie in which both Leonardo and Brad Pitt acting is a masterpiece in the World Cinema. Quentin Tarantino lengthy shots and uniqueness in direction made the film a World's Best movie. Once again the film director Quentin Tarantino proved himself as a legendary film director of all time. I am expecting an Oscar-winning for Brad Pitt and Leonardo Dicaprio for a best acting role or in the best actor in supporting role, best director and best screenplay award to Quentin Tarantino. Overall the movie was a World's Best classic and action movie. Quentin Tarantino is the GOD like director in the history of cinema.