This Movie Was Just Flat Out TERRIFIC.
Much much better than the original.
I don't care what everyone else says. I LOVED IT.
I know that they all say how the original movie with Charles Bronson. I know that they say how it was a classic and how it ruled all the movies back then but no matter how many times I watch the first original.
It doesn't seem to quite THRILL ME OR EXCITE ME ENOUGH
Like the way that BRUCE WILLIS does.
Because he makes every movie that he's in.
He makes them all look SO REAL AND SO FREAKING EPIC.
That's why he is ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the original movie.
Like I said it didn't get me really THRILLED OR EXCITED ENOUGH.
To be honest, it kinda bored me a little. I swear I was so bored I almost nearly fell asleep. Because that's how bored I was.
And Again. No Disrespect I'm Not Trying To Be Mean or Sound Rude,
That's Just My Opinion.
But then again. That's why I love BRUCE WILLIS more. And why, like I said, he is One of My Most Top FAVORITES.