This book was such an interesting read. It captures the experience well in my opinion, I saw a lot of parallels in Jeffs story and mine. I read it in about two days so all the events in the 45 days came all at once. It really impressed me how realistic he made Jeff feel as a 15 year old. The mood swings, the edginess, the diction was amazing. The characters were on point for the story too. And people say the ending was rushed, or it didn't have closure; typically that's what happens around the time you get out of the psychiatric ward, everything is dull for a couple of days until you feel "human" again and you try to address the issues that got you there in the first place. And I honestly like that its open ended, because you don't know if things got better or worse, which is honest to the real world if you've ever been through that experience like when I had to go back to the psyc ward a little after a month after my first visit. Definitely worth a read if you have a couple hours.