Global warming is being used to destroy America and push the agenda of Democrats ,its not a threat to life on the planet even if unchecked for hundreds of years. Yes we should try to minimize fossils fuels and promote alternate energy where REASONABLY possible and affordable, the green new deal is not those things. Most importantly to remember Ice Ages are far more dangerous and the planet has changed its climate through out history and very likely will do so again regardless of humans.
We would be wise to make effort to preserve the human race in event of asteroid strikes ,major volcanic activity,new ice age. nuclear war.
This would mean self contained nuclear powered under ground bio sphere sustaining life for 20 years or more. That is a hard sell as people care about their future or future family, not so much survivability of the human race. Global warming is really just a political tool like racial justice is now a political tool. Democratically run areas suck so they must sell voter issues to vote on because no one would back such incompitence otherwise.