Okay I wanted to write a review about this game because I got hooked on it and couldn’t stop playing it, but in all reality, the gameplay Absolutely sucked. What got me, was I loved the acting and the storyline of this game. The gameplay was repetitive. EVERY SINGLE MISSION was the same. Let’s go kill the boss or grab a map or destroy a chemical or steal guns and then pass the racket to Burke, Vito or Cassandra. This game has so much potential it’s absurd. When you listen to the soundtrack and you think about how much it cost to get the copywrite to some of these songs, you figure the majority of the budget probably went to the soundtrack instead of the actual gameplay, and yes that was enough to keep my focus playing the game, because I loved the music and I could always find a song I liked to listen to, but most people aren’t like me. I hope they make a Mafia 4 with a huge budget, great writers like this game and focus on the game play like a red dead redemption, or even a notch down like Days Gone, tone down the Soundtrack a bit, and you will have one hell of a game.